This page explains additional steps for using Ranger for authorization in Hive on MR3. Using Ranger for authorization has the following prerequisite:

  • A database server for Ranger is running. It may be the same database server for Metastore.

To run Ranger, we need to check or update the following files:

├── helm
   └── ranger
       └── values.yaml
├── conf
   ├── hive-site.xml
   ├── ranger-hive-audit.xml
   └── ranger-hive-security.xml
├── ranger-key
└── ranger-conf
    ├── core-site.xml
    ├── solr-security.json
    └── ranger-admin-site.xml.append

The file helm/ranger/values.yaml defines the default values for the Helm chart. Typically the user creates another YAML file to override some of these default values. In our example, we create a new YAML file values-ranger.yaml.

Basic settings

Open values-ranger.yaml and set the following fields.

$ vi values-ranger.yaml

  image: mr3project/ranger:2.4.0


- ip: ""
  - "orange0"
- ip: ""
  - "orange1"
  • docker/image specifies the full name of the Docker image including a tag. We use the pre-built Docker image mr3project/ranger:2.4.0.
  • ranger/externalIp specifies the host for the Service for exposing Ranger to the outside of the Kubernetes cluster. The user should specify an IP address with a valid host name.
  • hostAliases lists aliases for hosts that may not be found in the default DNS. Usually it suffices to include three hosts: 1) the host running MySQL for Ranger outside the Kubernetes cluster; 2) the host running HiveServer2 inside the Kubernetes cluster; 3) the host running Ranger inside the Kubernetes cluster. In our example, orange0 is the host running MySQL for Ranger and orange1 is the host name assigned to HiveServer2 and Ranger.

PersistentVolume for Ranger

We need a PersistentVolume for storing data for Ranger. The user should update values-ranger.yaml to use a desired type of PersistentVolume. In our example, we create a PersistentVolume using NFS. The PersistentVolume should be writable to user nobody (corresponding to root user).

Open values-ranger.yaml and set the following fields.

$ vi values-ranger.yaml

  isNfs: true
    server: ""
    path: "/home/nfs/hivemr3"
  volumeSize: 10Gi
  volumeClaimSize: 10Gi
  storageClassName: ""
  • workDir/isNfs specifies whether the PersistentVolume uses NFS or not.
  • workDir/nfs/server and workDir/nfs/path specify the address of the NFS server and the path exported by the NFS server (when workDir/isNfs is set to true).
  • workDir/volumeSize and workDir/volumeClaimSize specify the size of the PersistentVolume and the PersistentVolumeClaim.
  • workDir/storageClassName specifies the StorageClass of the PersistentVolume.
  • workDir/volumeStr specifies the PersistentVolume to use when workDir/isNfs is set to false. For example, volumeStr: "hostPath:\n path: /work/nfs/mr3-run-work-dir" creates a hostPath PersistentVolume.


$ vi ranger-key/





  • DB_FLAVOR and SQL_CONNECTOR_JAR should match the database connector jar file. When using a MySQL server, Ranger automatically downloads a MySQL connector from The user should check the compatibility between the server and the connector. For example, a MySQL server created with a Docker image 5.7.37-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 is not fully compatible.
  • db_root_user and db_root_password should be set to the ID and password of the root user of MySQL for Ranger.
  • db_host should be set to the IP address or the host name of MySQL for Ranger (or any database supported by Ranger).
  • db_password specifies a password for the user rangeradmin.
  • audit_solr_urls specifies the address for the configuration key ranger.audit.solr.urls.
  • Set to empty or remove two variables audit_solr_user and audit_solr_password related to authentication for auditing.
  • policymgr_external_url should be set to the Ranger admin URL.
  • policymgr_http_enabled should be set to true.


$ vi ranger-key/


  • Set SOLR_SSL_ENABLED to false because we do not use SSL for Solr.
  • Set SOLR_AUTH_TYPE and SOLR_AUTHENTICATION_OPTS as shown above because we do not use Kerberos for Solr.


Set the configuration key to simple to disable Kerberos authentication.

$ vi ranger-conf/core-site.xml



Set the configuration for authentication and authorization in Solr as follows:

$ vi ranger-conf/solr-security.json

  "authentication": {
    "blockUnknown": false,
    "class": "solr.BasicAuthPlugin",
      "solr":"IV0EHq1OnNrj6gvRCwvFwTrZ1+z1oBbnQdiVC3otuq0= Ndd7LKvVBAaZIF0QAVi1ekCfAJXr1GGfLtRUXhgrF8c="
  "authorization": {
    "class": "solr.RuleBasedAuthorizationPlugin"


The following configuration keys should be set to use Ranger for authorization in HiveServer2:

$ vi conf/hive-site.xml




The configuration key xasecure.audit.destination.solr.urls should use the host name assigned to Ranger.

$ vi conf/ranger-hive-audit.xml



The configuration key should use the Ranger service for HiveServer2. The configuration key should use the host name assigned to Ranger.

$ vi conf/ranger-hive-security.xml



Running Ranger

Assuming that a new YAML file values-ranger.yaml overrides the default values in helm/ranger/values.yaml, the user can run Ranger with namespace hivemr3 as follows:

$ ln -s $(pwd)/ranger-conf/ helm/ranger/conf
$ ln -s $(pwd)/ranger-key/ helm/ranger/key
$ helm install --namespace hivemr3 helm/ranger -f values-ranger.yaml

Here the first two commands create symbolic links so that Helm can access the directories ranger-conf and ranger-key directly. Then the user can execute Metastore and HiveServer2.

Creating a Ranger service

After running Ranger, the user can check if Ranger has started properly.

$ kubectl logs -n hivemr3 hivemr3-ranger-856fc4dff-6rrvg

Installation of Ranger PolicyManager Web Application is completed.
Starting Apache Ranger Admin Service
Apache Ranger Admin Service with pid 1643 has started.

Before executing queries, the user should create a new Ranger service ORANGE_hive (if it is not available yet). The user can access Ranger Admin UI at http://orange1:6080 (specified by policymgr_external_url in ranger-key/

Login to Ranger Admin UI with user admin and password rangeradmin1. Create a Ranger service ORANGE_hive.


In Config Properties, fill the JDBC URL field with:

  • jdbc:hive2://orange1:9852/ should be set to the user hive, or the owner of HiveServer2. Then Ranger can inspect metadata (such as databases, tables, users) managed by HiveServer2 while HiveServer2 can retrieve its Ranger service profile.


While creating the Ranger service, the Test Connection button fails because HiveServer2 is unaware of it. After creating the Ranger service, the button should work.

After creating the Ranger service, HiveServer2 successfully downloads the policy for ORANGE_hive.

$ kubectl logs -n hivemr3 hivemr3-hiveserver2-b6889c9d-6nl8z | grep ORANGE_hive
2023-02-08T08:13:10,435  INFO [PolicyRefresher(serviceName=ORANGE_hive)-24] policyengine.RangerPolicyRepository: This policy engine contains 8 policy evaluators

As the last step before executing queries, new users should be added to the Ranger policy. For example, we can add a new user superset to allow Superset.
