This page shows how to use 1) TypeScript code for generating YAML files and 2) pre-built Docker images available at DockerHub in order to run Hive on MR3 on Kubernetes with multiple nodes. By following the instruction, the user will learn:

  • how to use TypeScript code to run Hive on MR3, along with MR3-UI, Grafana, Superset, and Spark on MR3.

This scenario has the following prerequisites:

  1. A running Kubernetes cluster is available.
  2. A database server for Metastore is running.
  3. Either HDFS or S3 (or S3-compatible storage) is available for storing the warehouse. For using S3, access credentials are required.
  4. The user can create a PersistentVolume. The PersistentVolume should be writable to 1) the user with UID 1000, and 2) user nobody (corresponding to root user) if Ranger is to be used for authorization.
  5. Every worker node has an identical set of local directories for storing intermediate data (to be mapped to hostPath volumes). These directories should be writable to the user with UID 1000 because all containers run as non-root user with UID 1000.

We use pre-built Docker images available at DockerHub, so the user does not have to build new Docker images. In our example, we use a MySQL server for Metastore, but Postgres and MS SQL are also okay. For a PersistentVolume, we use an NFS server.

This scenario should take less than 1 hour to complete, not including the time for downloading a pre-built Docker image.

For asking any questions, please visit MR3 Google Group or join MR3 Slack.



  • The user can connect to a public HiveServer2 (via JDBC/ODBC) which is exposed to the outside of the Kubernetes cluster. Multiple HiveServer2 instances can be created.
  • The user can connect to Apache HTTP Server which serves as a gateway to MR3-UI, Grafana, Superset, Ranger, and Spark UI.
  • Superset connects to an internal HiveServer2 which is not exposed to the outside of the Kubernetes cluster. Superset with an internal HiveServer2 is optional.
  • All HiveServer2 instances share a common MR3 DAGAppMaster and its ContainerWorkers.
  • Multiple Spark drivers sharing a common MR3 DAGAppMaster and its ContainerWorkers can run inside the Kubernetes cluster.
  • HiveServer2 and Spark drivers are automatically configured to share Metastore.

Hive on MR3 requires three types of storage:

  • Data source such as HDFS or S3
  • PersistentVolume (or HDFS/S3) for storing transient data
  • hostPath volumes for storing intermediate data in ContainerWorker Pods


The hostPath volumes are created and mounted by MR3 at runtime for each ContainerWorker Pod. These hostPath volumes hold intermediate data to be shuffled (by shuffle handlers) between ContainerWorker Pods. In order to be able to create the same set of hostPath volumes for every ContainerWorker Pod, an identical set of local directories should be ready in all worker nodes (where ContainerWorker Pods are created).

Install node, npm, ts-node

To execute TypeScript code, Node.js node, Node package manager npm, and TypeScript execution engine ts-node should be available. In our example, we use the following versions:

$ node -v
$ npm -v
$ ts-node --version


Download an MR3 release containing TypeScript code:

A pre-built Docker image is intended for evaluating Hive on MR3 with a limit on the aggregate capacity of MR3 workers. For running Hive on MR3 in production, contact us.
$ git clone
$ cd mr3-run-k8s/typescript/
$ git checkout release-1.11-hive3
$ git clone
$ cd mr3-run-k8s/typescript/

Install dependency modules:

$ npm install --save uuid
$ npm install --save js-yaml
$ npm install --save typescript
$ npm install --save es6-template-strings
$ npm install --save @types/node
$ npm install --save @tsconfig/node12
$ npm install --save @types/js-yaml
$ npm install --save @types/uuid

Change to the working directory and create a symbolic link:

$ cd src/general/run/
$ ln -s ../../server server


We specify configuration parameters for all the components in a single TypeScript file run.ts.

$ vi run.ts

const basicsEnv: basics.T = ...
const metastoreEnv: metastore.T = ...
const hiveEnv: hive.T = ...
const masterEnv: master.T = ...
const workerEnv: worker.T = ...
const rangerEnv: ranger.T = ...
const timelineEnv: timeline.T = ...
const supersetEnv: superset.T = ...
const sparkEnv: spark.T = ...
const sparkmr3Env: sparkmr3.T = ...
const dockerEnv: docker.T = ...
const secretEnv: secret.T = ...
const driverEnv: driver.T = ...

The description of each field is found in the file mr3-run-k8s/typescript/CONFIG.txt. For example, the field namespace in basics.T specifies the Kubernetes namespace.

$ vi ../../../CONFIG.txt


- namespace
  Kubernetes namespace
  Hive/Spark on MR3 requires a unique namespace.
  All Pods created by Hive/Spark on MR3 belong to the same namespace.

After updating run.ts, we execute ts-node to generate 1) a YAML file run.yaml containing the description of every Kubernetes resource required by Hive on MR3 and 2) another YAML file (e.g., spark1.yaml) for creating a Spark driver Pod.

$ ts-node run.ts
$ ls *.yaml
run.yaml  spark1.yaml

If a wrong parameter is given or an inconsistency between parameters is detected, we get an error message instead. In the following example, we get an error message "Namespace is mandatory." on the field namespace.

$ ts-node run.ts
Execution failed: AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Input invalid: [{"field":"namespace","msg":"Namespace is mandatory."}]
Run failed: AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Input invalid: [{"field":"namespace","msg":"Namespace is mandatory."}]

Hence the user can learn the meaning of each field and generate YAML files after updating run.ts. For most fields, the user may use their default values in run.ts. Below we explain those fields specific to our example.

basicsEnv: basics.T

namespace should be set to the namespace in which all the components are created.

  namespace: "hivemr3",

warehouseDir should be set to the HDFS directory or S3 bucket storing the warehouse. (e.g., hdfs://hdfs.server:8020/hive/warehouse or s3a://hivemr3/hive/warehouse). Note that for using S3, we should use prefix s3a, not s3. In our example, we store the warehouse on S3-compatible storage.

  warehouseDir: "s3a://hivemr3/warehouse",

We use an NFS volume to create a PersistentVolume for storing transient data. In our example, the NFS server runs at and uses a directory /home/nfs/hivemr3/orange. Hive on MR3, MR3-UI, Grafana, Superset, and Ranger all use the PersistentVolume.

  createPersistentVolume: {
    nfs: {
      server: "",
      path: "/home/nfs/hivemr3/orange"

In our example, we access S3-compatible storage using credentials kept in environment variables. s3aEndpoint is set to point to the storage server.

  s3aEndpoint: "http://orange0:9000",
  s3aCredentialProvider: "EnvironmentVariable",

As a prerequisite, every worker node where ContainerWorker Pods or Spark driver Pods may run should have an identical set of local directories for storing intermediate data. These directories are mapped to hostPath volumes in each Pod. Set hostPaths to the list of local directories (which should be writable to the user with UID 1000). In our example, we use a single local directory.

  hostPaths: "/data1/k8s",

We create a Service for exposing Apache server to the outside of the Kubernetes cluster. By setting externalIp to a public IP address and externalIpHostname to a valid host name, we create a LoadBalancer for Apache server. In our example, we expose Apache server at IP address

  externalIp: "",
  externalIpHostname: "orange1",

We create another Service of LoadBalancer type for exposing HiveServer2 to the outside of the Kubernetes cluster. hiveserver2Ip should be set to a public IP address for HiveServer2 so that clients can connect to it from the outside of the Kubernetes cluster. By default, HiveServer2 uses port 9852 for Thrift transport and port 10001 for HTTP transport. In our example, we expose HiveServer2 at the same IP address as Apache server. hiveserver2IpHostname should be set to an alias for the host name for HiveServer2. (The alias is used only internally for Kerberos instance and SSL encryption.)

  hiveserver2Ip: "",
  hiveserver2IpHostname: "orange1",

In our example, we set masterNodeSelector and workerNodeSelector so as to place master Pods (for Metastore, HiveServer2, MR3 DAGAppMaster, MR3-UI/Grafana, Apache server, Superset, Ranger, and Spark drivers) on those nodes with label roles: masters and worker Pods (for MR3 ContainerWorkers) on those nodes with label roles: workers. These fields are optional.

  masterNodeSelector: { key: "roles", value: "masters" },
  workerNodeSelector: { key: "roles", value: "workers" },

We set two host aliases.

  hostAliases: [
    { ip: '', hostnames: "orange0" },
    { ip: '', hostnames: "orange1" }],

metastoreEnv: metastore.T

We use a MySQL server for Metastore whose address is

  dbType: "MYSQL",
  databaseHost: "",

databaseName specifies the name of the database for Hive inside the MySQL server.

  databaseName: "hive3mr3",

userName and password specify the user name and password of the MySQL server for Metastore.

  userName: "root",
  password: "passwd",

To initialize database schema, set initSchema to true. In our example, we do not initialize because we use existing database schema.

  initSchema: false,

We allocate 2 CPU cores and 4GB of memory to the Metastore Pod.

  resources: {
    cpu: 2,
    memoryInMb: 4 * 1024

hiveEnv: hive.T

We allocate 2 CPU cores and 6GB of memory to a HiveServer2 Pod.

  resources: {
    cpu: 2,
    memoryInMb: 6 * 1024

masterEnv: master.T

We allocate 2 CPU cores and 4GB of memory to the DAGAppMaster Pod for Hive (not for Spark).

  resources: {
    cpu: 2,
    memoryInMb: 4 * 1024

workerEnv: worker.T

We allocate 4 CPU cores and 16GB of memory to each ContainerWorker Pod for Hive. We set numTasksInWorker to 4 so that up to four Tasks can run concurrently inside a single ContainerWorker.

  workerMemoryInMb: 16 * 1024,
  workerCores: 4,
  numTasksInWorker: 4,

We set numMaxWorkers to 10 so that up to 10 ContainerWorkers Pods are created for Hive.

  numMaxWorkers: 10,

rangerEnv: ranger.T

No change is necessary because we do not use Ranger for authorization.

timelineEnv: timeline.T

We allocate 0.25 CPU cores and 512MB of memory to the Apache server Pod.

  apacheResources: {
    cpu: 0.25,
    memoryInMb: 0.5 * 1024

For a Pod running MR3-UI/Grafana, we allocate 2 CPU cores and 6GB of memory.

  resources: {
    cpu: 2,
    memoryInMb: 6 * 1024

supersetEnv: superset.T

We set supersetEnabled to true to run Superset for connecting to Hive on MR3. Running Superset creates an internal instance of HiveServer2 which is not exposed to the outside of the Kubernetes cluster. If supersetEnabled is set to false, no additional instance of HiveServer2 is created.

  supersetEnabled: true,

We allocate 2 CPU cores and 8GB of memory to the Superset Pod.

  resources: {
    cpu: 2,
    memoryInMb: 8 * 1024

sparkEnv: spark.T

We register four names for Spark drivers: spark1, spark2, spark3, spark4. When a Spark driver with one of these names is created, its UI page is accessible via Apache server. (Creating Spark drivers with different names is allowed, but their UI pages are not accessible via Apache server.)

  driverNameStr: "spark1,spark2,spark3,spark4"

sparkmr3Env: sparkmr3.T

We allocate 2 CPU cores and 4GB of memory to the DAGAppMaster Pod for Spark (not for Hive).

  resources: {
    cpu: 2,
    memoryInMb: 4 * 1024

We allocate 4 CPU cores and 12GB + 4GB = 16GB of memory to each ContainerWorker Pod for Spark. We set numTasksInWorker to 4 so that up to four Tasks can run concurrently inside a single ContainerWorker (which runs a Spark executor).

  workerMemoryInMb: 12 * 1024,
  workerMemoryOverheadInMb: 4 * 1024,
  workerCores: 4.0,
  numTasksInWorker: 4,

We set numMaxWorkers to 16 so that up to 16 ContainerWorkers Pods are created for Spark.

  numMaxWorkers: 16,

dockerEnv: docker.T

No change is necessary because we use pre-built Docker images.

secretEnv: secret.T

For accessing S3-compatible storage, S3 access ID and secret should be specified in environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY because s3aCredentialProvider is set to EnvironmentVariable in basicsEnv.

  secretEnvVars: [
    { name: "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", value: "accesskey" },
    { name: "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", value:"awesomesecret" }

driverEnv: driver.T

We create a YAML file spark1.yaml for creating a Spark driver Pod with 2 CPU cores and 8GB of memory.

  name: "spark1",
  resources: {
    cpu: 2,
    memoryInMb: 8 * 1024

Running Hive on MR3

After generating YAML files, the user can create Kubernetes resources and start Hive on MR3 with kubectl.

$ ts-node run.ts
$ kubectl create -f run.yaml
statefulset.apps/superset created
configmap/apache-configmap created
statefulset.apps/apache created

If successful, the user can find a total of 7 Pods:

  1. Apache server
  2. Public HiveServer2
  3. Internal HiveServer2 (if Superset is enabled)
  4. Metastore
  5. DAGAppMaster for Hive
  6. Superset (if Superset is enabled)
  7. MR3-UI/Grafana(which also runs a Timeline Server and Prometheus)

The DAGAppMaster Pod may restart a few times if the MR3-UI/Grafana Pod is not initialized quickly. In our example, all the Pods become ready in 2 minutes, but it may take longer because of the time for downloading Docker images.

$ kubectl get pods -n hivemr3
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
apache-0                                1/1     Running   0          2m15s
hiveserver2-dc45588b-xl856              1/1     Running   0          2m15s
hiveserver2-internal-756d68948b-bs7wj   1/1     Running   0          2m15s
metastore-0                             1/1     Running   0          2m15s
mr3master-9360-0-7b8c448ff8-rj4r8       1/1     Running   0          90s
superset-0                              1/1     Running   0          2m15s
timeline-0                              4/4     Running   0          2m15s

The user can check if Superset has started successfully.

$ kubectl logs -n hivemr3 superset-0
[2022-08-03 14:34:12 +0000] [87] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 20.1.0
[2022-08-03 14:34:12 +0000] [87] [INFO] Listening at: (87)
[2022-08-03 14:34:12 +0000] [87] [INFO] Using worker: gthread
[2022-08-03 14:34:12 +0000] [89] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 89
logging was configured successfully
2022-08-03 14:34:14,397:INFO:superset.utils.logging_configurator:logging was configured successfully
2022-08-03 14:34:14,404:INFO:root:Configured event logger of type <class 'superset.utils.log.DBEventLogger'>

The user can find that several directories have been created under the PersistentVolume. Inside the HiveServer2 Pod, the PersistentVolume is mounted in the directory /opt/mr3-run/work-dir.

$ kubectl exec -n hivemr3 -it hiveserver2-internal-756d68948b-bs7wj -- /bin/bash
hive@hiveserver2-internal-756d68948b-bs7wj:/opt/mr3-run/hive$ ls /opt/mr3-run/work-dir/
apache2.log  ats  grafana  hive  log  prometheus  spark  superset

Accessing MR3-UI, Grafana, Superset

The user can access MR3-UI, Grafana, and Superset at the following URLs where orange1 is the host name assigned to Apache server.

  • MR3-UI: http://orange1:8080/ui/
  • Grafana: http://orange1:8080/grafana/
  • Superset: http://orange1:8080/

MR3-UI shows details of DAGs executed by MR3 for Hive.


For Grafana, the password for the user admin is initialized to admin, and can be changed after the first login. The user can watch MR3 for Hive on the dashboard MR3 for Hive (and MR3 for Spark on the dashboard MR3 for Spark after starting Spark on MR3 later).


For Superset, the password for the user admin is initialized to admin, and can be changed after the first login. The user should manually register a database source using a Hive URI. As Kerberos is not used, the Hive URI should be:

  • hive://hiveserver2-internal.hivemr3.svc.cluster.local:9852/default


Running queries

The user may use any client program to connect to HiveServer2. For example, the user can run Beeline using JDBC URL:

  • jdbc:hive2://orange1:9852/;

In this case, queries are sent to the public HiveServer2 (hiveserver2-dc45588b-xl856 in our example).

Alternatively the user can submit queries from Superset. In this case, queries are sent to the internal HiveServer2 (hiveserver2-internal-756d68948b-bs7wj in our example).

After running a few queries, ContainerWorker Pods for Hive are created whose names all start with mr3worker-.

$ kubectl get pods -n hivemr3
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mr3worker-0991-1                        1/1     Running   0          50s
mr3worker-0991-2                        1/1     Running   0          23s

Running Spark on MR3

We create a Spark driver Pod with the YAML file spark1.yaml.

$ kubectl create -f spark1.yaml 
service/spark1 created
pod/spark1 created

$ kubectl get pods -n hivemr3
spark1                                  1/1     Running   0          14s

Inside the Spark driver Pod, the user can use to run Spark shell (in the same way as spark-shell) and to submit Spark jobs (in the same way as spark-submit). In our example, we run Spark shell.

$ kubectl exec -n hivemr3 -it spark1 -- /bin/bash
spark@spark1:/opt/mr3-run/spark$ ./ 
Using Scala version 2.12.15 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_302)
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.


Starting Spark shell takes a while because it creates a new DAGAppMaster Pod. Spark shell may fail to start if the DAGAppMaster Pod does not start quickly. In such a case, execute again.

$ kubectl get pods -n hivemr3
mr3master-spark-9361-0-644f597bd5-gstjt   1/1     Running   0          27s
spark1                                    1/1     Running   0          119s

The new Spark driver is configured to use Hive Metastore included in Hive on MR3. In the following example, we run Spark SQL to access a table pokemon1 created by Hive on MR3.

scala> spark.sql("show databases").show
scala> spark.sql("select COUNT(name) from pokemon1 group by power_rate").show

We find three new ContainerWorker Pods whose names start with mr3executor-. Each of these Pods runs a Spark executor.

$ kubectl get pods -n hivemr3
mr3executor-cee5-1                        1/1     Running   0          23s
mr3executor-cee5-2                        1/1     Running   0          18s
mr3master-spark-9361-0-644f597bd5-gstjt   1/1     Running   0          2m31s
spark1                                    1/1     Running   0          4m3s

Running two Spark applications

To demonstrate two Spark applications sharing ContainerWorker Pods, we create another Spark driver Pod called spark2. Create a copy of spark1.yaml and replace spark1 with spark2.

$ cp spark1.yaml spark2.yaml
$ sed -i 's/spark1/spark2/g' spark2.yaml

Then we create a new Spark driver Pod with spark2.yaml.

$ kubectl create -f spark2.yaml
service/spark2 created
pod/spark2 created

$ kubectl get pods -n hivemr3
spark1                                    1/1     Running   0          9m49s
spark2                                    1/1     Running   0          19s

Inside the new Pod, the user can run Spark shell or submit Spark jobs. The new Spark driver may not create additional ContainerWorker Pods because both the Spark drivers share ContainerWorker Pods. By default, we use fair scheduling (with containerSchedulerScheme set to fair in sparkmr3Env, or equivalently mr3.container.scheduler.scheme set to fair in mr3-site.xml). Hence MR3 tries to divide ContainerWorker Pods equally between the two Spark drivers. For more information, see Recycling ContainerWorkers.

While Spark drivers are running inside the Spark driver Pods, the user can access their UI pages at the following URLs:

  • Spark driver spark1: http://orange1:8080/spark1/
  • Spark driver spark2: http://orange1:8080/spark2/


Limitations in accessing Hive Metastore from Spark SQL

While Spark on MR3 is automatically configured to use Hive Metastore included in Hive on MR3, there are a few important limitations when using Spark SQL.

  • Spark SQL cannot access transactional tables.

  • An update to a table by Hive may not be immediately visible to Spark SQL. To make such an update visible, the user should manually refresh the table.

  • Spark SQL is not affected by the authorization mechanism of Hive (specified by authorization in hiveEnv, or equivalently in hive-site.xml) because it does not send queries to HiveServer2. In other words, Spark SQL can access any (non-transactional) tables.

For safe operations, Hive should not update tables that are to be accessed simultaneously by Spark SQL. Instead try to create and update (non-transactional) tables in Spark SQL and only read such tables from Hive (e.g., to populate transactional tables).

By default, Spark on MR3 is configured to create ORC tables.

$ vi typescript/src/server/spark-resources/spark-defaults.conf


To create Parquet tables, set spark.sql.sources.default to parquet.

scala> spark.conf.set("spark.sql.sources.default", "parquet")

Stopping Hive/Spark on MR3

In order to terminate Hive/Spark on MR3 and delete all Kubernetes resources, execute kubectl.

$ kubectl delete -f spark1.yaml
$ kubectl delete -f spark2.yaml

We see that even though there is no Spark application running, the DAGAppMaster Pod and the ContainerWorker Pods for Spark are still alive. This is a feature, not a bug, because DAGAppMaster and ContainerWorkers are not owned by a particular Spark application. For example, any new Spark driver automatically uses these existing Pods for Spark.

$ kubectl get pods -n hivemr3
mr3executor-cee5-1                        1/1     Running   0          9m59s
mr3executor-cee5-2                        1/1     Running   0          9m54s
mr3master-spark-9361-0-644f597bd5-gstjt   1/1     Running   0          12m

Execute kubectl with run.yaml to delete all the remaining Kubernetes resources.

$ kubectl delete -f run.yaml