The behavior of Hive on MR3 is specified by the configuration file hive-site.xml in the classpath. Below we describe configuration keys relevant to Hive on MR3.

Name Default value Description
hive.execution.engine mr3 Should be set to tez (or mr3 for Hive 3 on MR3) to use MR3 as the execution engine.
hive.execution.mode container Hive on MR3 supports both container or llap. Use container for stable execution and llap for fast execution. hive-mr3 Prefix of MR3 application names
hive.mr3.client.connect.timeout 60000ms Timeout for Hive on MR3 to establish connection to MR3 DAGAppMaster
hive.mr3.resource.vcores.divisor 1 Divisor for the number of cores. Legitimate values are integers between 1 to 1000 (inclusive). Affects the interpretation of the following configuration keys:, hive.mr3.reduce.task.vcores, hive.mr3.all-in-one.containergroup.vcores,, hive.mr3.reduce.containergroup.vcores, hive.mr3.llap.daemon.task.vcores. Example: if hive.mr3.resource.vcores.divisor is set to 1000, a value of 1 is interpreted as a 1000-th of a core. -1 Memory in MB allocated to each mapper. If set to -1, Hive on MR3 reads MRJobConfig.MAP_MEMORY_MB. Can be set to 0 (but not recommended).
hive.mr3.reduce.task.memory.mb -1 Memory in MB allocated to each reducer. If set to -1, Hive on MR3 reads MRJobConfig.REDUCE_MEMORY_MB. Can be set to 0 (but not recommended). -1 Number of cores allocated to each mapper. If set to -1, Hive on MR3 reads MRJobConfig.MAP_CPU_VCORES. Can be set to 0 (which can be convenient in some cases).
hive.mr3.reduce.task.vcores -1 Number of cores allocated to each reducer. If set to -1, Hive on MR3 reads MRJobConfig.REDUCE_CPU_VCORES. Can be set to 0 (which can be convenient in some cases).
hive.mr3.dag.queue.capacity.specs Specifications for capacity scheduling in MR3. Effective only if set to a non-empty string. Corresponds to mr3.dag.queue.capacity.specs in mr3-site.xml. default Name of the Task queue for queries. Used with capacity scheduling in MR3. Corresponds to in mr3-site.xml and can be set for individual queries.
hive.mr3.dag.include.indeterminate.vertex false true: The DAG contains indeterminate Vertexes whose output can vary at each execution. Fault tolerance is not supported when fetch failures occur. false: The DAG contains no indeterminate Vertexes. Corresponds to mr3.dag.include.indeterminate.vertex in mr3-site.xml and can be set for individual queries. If set to true, set to 1. 0.8 Fraction of task memory to be used as Java heap. Fixed at the time of creating each MR3Session. Corresponds to in mr3-site.xml.
hive.mr3.containergroup.scheme all-in-one ContainerGroup scheme: all-in-one, per-map-reduce, or per-vertex. For more details, see ContainerGroup Scheme.
hive.mr3.container.env Environment string for ContainerGroups Java options for ContainerGroups. This key takes precedence over MR3Conf.MR3_CONTAINER_LAUNCH_CMD_OPTS (mr3.container.launch.cmd-opts) in mr3-site.xml.
hive.mr3.container.stop.cross.dag.reuse false true: stop cross-DAG container reuse for ContainerGroups. false: continue cross-DAG container reuse for ContainerGroups. Corresponds to mr3.container.stop.cross.dag.reuse in mr3-site.xml and can be set for individual queries.
hive.mr3.container.reuse true true: allow container reuse for running different tasks. false: do not allow container reuse. Corresponds to mr3.container.reuse in mr3-site.xml.
hive.mr3.container.combine.taskattempts true true: allow multiple concurrent tasks in the same container. false: do not allow multiple concurrent tasks in the same container. Corresponds to mr3.container.combine.taskattempts in mr3-site.xml.
hive.mr3.container.mix.taskattempts true true: allow concurrent tasks from different DAGs in the same container. false: do not allow concurrent tasks from different DAGs in the same container. Corresponds to mr3.container.mix.taskattempts in mr3-site.xml.
hive.mr3.container.max.num.workers Int.MaxValue Max number of containers that can be created by a ContainerGroup. Corresponds to mr3.container.max.num.workers in mr3-site.xml.
hive.mr3.container.use.per.query.cache true true: use per-query cache shared by all tasks in the same container. false: do not use.
hive.mr3.all-in-one.containergroup.memory.mb -1 Memory in MB allocated to each ContainerGroup under all-in-one scheme. If set to 0 or lower, reset to a default value of 1024.
hive.mr3.all-in-one.containergroup.vcores -1 Number of cores allocated to each ContainerGroup under all-in-one scheme. If set to 0 or lower, reset to a default value of 1. -1 Memory in MB allocated to each mapper ContainerGroup under per-map-reduce or per-vertex scheme. If set to -1, Hive on MR3 reads MRJobConfig.MAP_MEMORY_MB. Can be set to 0 (but not recommended).
hive.mr3.reduce.containergroup.memory.mb -1 Memory in MB allocated to each reducer ContainerGroup under per-map-reduce or per-vertex scheme. If set to -1, Hive on MR3 reads MRJobConfig.REDUCE_MEMORY_MB. Can be set to 0 (but not recommended). -1 Number of cores allocated to each mapper ContainerGroup under per-map-reduce or per-vertex scheme. If set to -1, Hive on MR3 reads MRJobConfig.MAP_CPU_VCORES. Can be set to 0 (but not recommended).
hive.mr3.reduce.containergroup.vcores -1 Number of cores allocated to each reducer ContainerGroup under per-map-reduce or per-vertex scheme. If set to -1, Hive on MR3 reads MRJobConfig.REDUCE_CPU_VCORES. Can be set to 0 (but not recommended).
hive.mr3.exec.print.summary false true: display breakdown of execution steps for every query. false: do not display. false true: use LLAP I/O. false: do not use LLAP I/O.
hive.mr3.llap.headroom.mb 1024 Memory in MB allocated to the headroom for Java VM overhead when LLAP I/O is enabled
hive.mr3.llap.daemon.task.memory.mb 0 Memory in MB allocated to a DaemonTaskAttempt for LLAP I/O
hive.mr3.llap.daemon.task.vcores 0 Number of cores allocated to a DaemonTaskAttempt for LLAP I/O
hive.mr3.llap.orc.memory.per.thread.mb 1024 Memory in MB allocated to each ORC manager in low-level LLAP I/O threads
hive.mr3.exec.inplace.progress true true: update execution progress in-place in the terminal. false: do not update.
hive.mr3.use.daemon.shufflehandler 0 Number of shuffle handlers in each ContainerWorker. Corresponds to mr3.use.daemon.shufflehandler in mr3-site.xml. For more details, see Using the MR3 Shuffle Handler in Hive on MR3.
hive.server2.mr3.share.session false true: run HiveServer2 in shared session mode. false: run HiveServer2 in individual session mode. For more details, see HiveServer2.
hive.mr3.mapjoin.interrupt.check.interval 100000L Interval (in terms of the number of entries) at which HashTableLoader checks the interrupt state
hive.mr3.dag.additional.credentials.source Comma-separated list of additional paths for obtaining credentials. If a query has no input files (e.g., when creating a fresh table or inserting values to an existing table), HDFS tokens may empty. In such a case, the user can provide additional paths for obtaining credentials so that the query can be executed with proper HDFS tokens.
hive.mr3.localize.session.jars true true: localize hive-exec.jar as a local resource. false: do not localize hive-exec.jar (for Hive on Kubernetes). 3 Maximum number of attempts for each Task. Corresponds to in mr3-site.xml and can be set for individual queries. false true: delete the directory for intermediate data of a Vertex when all its destination Vertexes are completed. false: do not delete. Corresponds to in mr3-site.xml and can be set for individual queries. 100 Percentage of Tasks that are completed before starting speculative execution. Can be set to an integer between 1 and 100. Setting to 100 disables speculative execution of TaskAttempts. Corresponds to in mr3-site.xml and can be set for individual queries.
hive.mr3.zookeeper.appid.namespace mr3AppId ZooKeeper namespace for sharing Application ID
hive.tez.llap.min.reducer.per.executor 0.2 Fraction of the number of Tasks to use for Reducers. For more details, see Basic Performance Tuning.
hive.mr3.compaction.using.mr3 false true: perform compaction using MR3. High Availability should be enabled. false: perform compaction using MapReduce. For more details, see Enabling Compaction.
hive.mr3.config.remove.keys Comman-separated list of config keys to remove from JobConf to be passed to Tez
hive.mr3.config.remove.prefixes Comma-separated list of key prefixes to remove from JobConf to be passed to Tez