This page lists known issues with Hive 3 on MR3. Note that here we do not report known bugs in Apache Hive 3, whether fixed in Apache Hive 4 or not.
in kubernetes/
(on Kubernetes)
The environment variable LOG_LEVEL
is used only for DAGAppMaster and ContainerWorkers.
To change the logging level for Metastore and HiveServer2,
update kubernetes/conf/
2. Invalid cache of DynamicValue
If the user switches to another database and executes the same query again that has been executed previously,
a wrong result may be returned
because Hive internally uses the cache of DynamicValue
populated with the previous database.
A practical workaround is to delete all running ContainerWorkers,
if the user intends to execute the same query again,
after switching to another database.
Alternatively the user can set the configuration key
to 0 in hive-site.xml
(which is not recommended).