This page shows how to use TypeScript code for generating YAML files and pre-built Docker images available at DockerHub in order to operate Hive/Spark on MR3 on Amazon EKS. By following the instruction, the user will learn:
- how to use TypeScript code to run Hive on MR3, Spark on MR3, Ranger, MR3-UI, Grafana, and Superset on Amazon EKS, where Hive/Spark on MR3 is configured to use autoscaling.
This scenario has the following prerequisites:
- The user can create IAM policies.
- The user has access to an S3 bucket storing the warehouse and all S3 buckets containing datasets.
- The user can create an EKS cluster with the command
. - The user can configure LoadBalancers.
- The user can create EFS.
- A database server for Metastore is ready and accessible from the EKS cluster.
- A database server for Ranger is ready and accessible from the EKS cluster. It is okay to use the same database server for Metastore.
- The user can run Beeline to connect to HiveServer2 running at a given address.
The user may create new resources (such as IAM policies) either on the AWS console or by executing AWS CLI.
We use pre-built Docker images available at DockerHub, so the user does not have to build new Docker images. In our example, we use a MySQL server for Metastore, but Postgres and MS SQL are also okay. This scenario should take 1 hour to 2 hours to complete, including the time for creating an EKS cluster.
For asking any questions, please visit MR3 Google Group or join MR3 Slack.
Install node
, npm
, ts-node
To execute TypeScript code,
Node.js node
, Node package manager npm
, and TypeScript execution engine ts-node
should be available.
In our example, we use the following versions:
$ node -v
$ npm -v
$ ts-node --version
Download an MR3 release containing TypeScript code:
$ git clone
$ cd mr3-run-k8s/typescript/
$ git checkout release-1.11-hive3
$ git clone
$ cd mr3-run-k8s/typescript/
Install dependency modules:
$ npm install --save uuid
$ npm install --save js-yaml
$ npm install --save typescript
$ npm install --save es6-template-strings
$ npm install --save @types/node
$ npm install --save @tsconfig/node12
$ npm install --save @types/js-yaml
$ npm install --save @types/uuid
Change to the working directory and create a symbolic link:
$ cd src/aws/run/
$ ln -s ../../server server
We specify configuration parameters for all the components
in a single TypeScript file run.ts
$ vi run.ts
const eksConf: eks.T = ...
const autoscalerConf: autoscaler.T = ...
const serviceConf: service.T = ...
const efsConf: efs.T = ...
const appsConf: apps.T = ...
const driverEnv: driver.T = ...
After updating run.ts
, we execute ts-node
to generate YAML files:
$ ts-node run.ts
$ ls *.yaml
apps.yaml autoscaler.yaml efs.yaml eks-cluster.yaml service.yaml spark1.yaml
We execute ts-node
several times.
First we set eksConf
and execute ts-node
We use the following file from the first execution.
is used as an argument foreksctl
to create an EKS cluster.
Next we set autoscalerConf
and serviceConf
and execute ts-node
We use the following files from the second execution.
is used to create Kubernetes Autoscaler.service.yaml
is used to create two LoadBalancer services.
Then we set efsConf
and execute ts-node
We use the following file from the third execution.
is used to mount EFS.
Finally we set appsConf
and driverEnv
and execute ts-node
We use the following files from the last execution.
is used to create all the components.spark1.yaml
is used to create a Spark driver Pod.
If a wrong parameter is given or an inconsistency between parameters is detected,
we get an error message instead.
In the following example,
we get an error message "Namespace is mandatory."
on the field namespace.
$ ts-node run.ts
Execution failed: AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Input invalid: [{"field":"namespace","msg":"Namespace is mandatory."}]
Run failed: AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Input invalid: [{"field":"namespace","msg":"Namespace is mandatory."}]
IAM policy for autoscaling
Create an IAM policy for autoscaling as shown below.
Get the ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of the IAM policy.
In our example, we create an IAM policy called EKSAutoScalingWorkerPolicy
$ vi EKSAutoScalingWorkerPolicy.json
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["*"]
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["*"]
$ aws iam create-policy --policy-name EKSAutoScalingWorkerPolicy --policy-document file://EKSAutoScalingWorkerPolicy.json
"Policy": {
"Arn": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:policy/EKSAutoScalingWorkerPolicy",
IAM policy for accessing S3 buckets
Create an IAM policy
for allowing every Pod to access S3 buckets storing the warehouse and containing datasets.
Adjust the Action
field to restrict the set of operations permitted to Pods.
Get the ARN of the IAM policy.
In our example, we create an IAM policy called MR3AccessS3
$ vi MR3AccessS3.json
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
$ aws iam create-policy --policy-name MR3AccessS3 --policy-document file://MR3AccessS3.json
"Policy": {
"Arn": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:policy/MR3AccessS3",
eksConf: eks.T
We create a Kubernetes cluster hive-mr3
We create an EKS cluster in the region ap-northeast-2
and the zone ap-northeast-2a
name: "hive-mr3",
region: "ap-northeast-2",
zone: "ap-northeast-2a",
We create a master node group hive-mr3-master
for all the components except MR3 ContainerWorkers.
We use m5d.4xlarge
for the instance type of the master node group.
We create 2 nodes in the master node group.
To add more nodes, the user should manually add new nodes in the node group.
masterNodeGroup: "hive-mr3-master",
masterInstanceType: "m5d.4xlarge",
masterCapacity: 2,
We create a worker node group hive-mr3-worker
for MR3 ContainerWorkers.
We use m5d.4xlarge
for the instance type of the worker node group.
The worker node group uses autoscaling.
In our example, the worker node group starts with zero nodes.
It uses up to 4 on-demand instances and up to 8 on-demand/spot instances.
workerNodeGroup: "hive-mr3-worker",
workerInstanceType: "m5d.4xlarge",
workerMinCapacityOnDemand: 0,
workerMaxCapacityOnDemand: 4,
workerMaxCapacityTotal: 8,
autoscalingWorkerPolicy: "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:policy/EKSAutoScalingWorkerPolicy",
accessS3Policy: "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:policy/MR3AccessS3",
- autoscalingWorkerPolicy uses the ARN of the IAM policy for autoscaling.
- accessS3Policy uses the ARN of the IAM policy for accessing S3 buckets.
We attach a label roles: masters
in every master node,
and a label roles: workers
in every worker node.
masterLabelRoles: "masters",
workerLabelRoles: "workers",
We specify the resources for HiveServer2, Metastore, MR3 DAGAppMaster for Hive, Ranger, Superset, and MR3 DAGAppMaster for Spark.
hiveResources: { cpu: 4, memoryInMb: 16 * 1024 },
metastoreResources: { cpu: 4, memoryInMb: 16 * 1024 },
mr3MasterResources: { cpu: 6, memoryInMb: 20 * 1024 },
rangerResources: { cpu: 2, memoryInMb: 6 * 1024 },
supersetResources: { cpu: 2, memoryInMb: 10 * 1024 },
sparkmr3Resources: { cpu: 6, memoryInMb: 20 * 1024 }
Creating an EKS cluster
Execute ts-node
to generate YAML files.
Execute eksctl
with eks-cluster.yaml
$ ts-node run.ts
$ eksctl create cluster -f eks-cluster.yaml
2022-08-21 22:25:29 [ℹ] eksctl version 0.86.0
2022-08-21 22:25:29 [ℹ] using region ap-northeast-2
2022-08-21 22:25:29 [ℹ] setting availability zones to [ap-northeast-2a ap-northeast-2b ap-northeast-2d]
2022-08-21 22:42:40 [✔] EKS cluster "hive-mr3" in "ap-northeast-2" region is ready
The user can verify that two master nodes are available in the EKS cluster.
$ kubectl get nodes
ip-192-168-15-85.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal Ready <none> 74s v1.21.14-eks-ba74326
ip-192-168-24-94.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal Ready <none> 72s v1.21.14-eks-ba74326
Get the public IP addresses of the master nodes which we may need when checking access to the database servers for Metastore and Ranger.
$ kubectl describe node ip-192-168-15-85.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal | grep -e InternalIP -e ExternalIP
$ kubectl describe node ip-192-168-24-94.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal | grep -e InternalIP -e ExternalIP
autoscalerConf: autoscaler.T
autoscalingScaleDownDelayAfterAddMin: 5,
autoscalingScaleDownUnneededTimeMin: 1
- autoscalingScaleDownDelayAfterAddMin specifies the delay (in minutes) for removing an existing worker node after adding a new worker node.
- autoscalingScaleDownUnneededTimeMin specifies the time to wait (in minutes) before removing an unneeded worker node with no ContainerWorker Pod.
serviceConf: service.T
We use hivemr3
for the Kubernetes namespace.
We do not use HTTPS for connecting to Apache server which serves as a gateway to Ranger, MR3-UI, Grafana, Superset, and Spark UI.
In order to use HTTPS,
the user should provide an SSL certificate created with AWS Certificate Manager
in an optional field sslCertificateArn.
namespace: "hivemr3",
useHttps: false
Starting Kubernetes Autoscaler
Execute ts-node
to generate YAML files.
Execute kubectl
with autoscaler.yaml
to start the Kubernetes Autoscaler.
$ ts-node run.ts
$ kubectl apply -f autoscaler.yaml
serviceaccount/cluster-autoscaler created
deployment.apps/cluster-autoscaler created created created created created
The user can check that the Kubernetes Autoscaler has started properly.
$ kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep autoscaler
cluster-autoscaler-7cb499575f-4h8tn 1/1 Running 0 16s
Creating LoadBalancer services
Execute kubectl
with service.yaml
to create two LoadBalancer services.
the LoadBalancer with LoadBalancerPort 8080 is connected to Apache server
while the LoadBalancer with LoadBalancerPort 10001/9852 is connect to HiveServer2.
$ kubectl create -f service.yaml
namespace/hivemr3 created
service/apache created
service/hiveserver2 created
$ aws elb describe-load-balancers
"CanonicalHostedZoneName": "",
"CanonicalHostedZoneNameID": "ZWKZPGTI48KDX",
"ListenerDescriptions": [
"Listener": {
"Protocol": "TCP",
"LoadBalancerPort": 8080,
"CanonicalHostedZoneName": "",
"CanonicalHostedZoneNameID": "ZWKZPGTI48KDX",
"ListenerDescriptions": [
"Listener": {
"Protocol": "TCP",
"LoadBalancerPort": 10001,
Get the address and host name of each service.
$ nslookup
$ nslookup
Configuring the LoadBalancers
Get the security group associated with the LoadBalancers.
If necessary, edit the inbound rule in order to restrict the source IP addresses
(e.g., by changing the source from
to (IP address)/32
The LoadBalancer for HiveServer2 disconnects Beeline showing no activity for the idle timeout period, which is 60 seconds by default. The user may want to increase the idle timeout period, e.g., to 1200 seconds. Otherwise Beeline loses the connection to HiveServer2 even after a brief period of inactivity.
Creating EFS
Assuming that the name of the EKS cluster is hive-mr3
(specified in the field name in eksConf
get the VPC ID of CloudFormation eksctl-hive-mr3-eks-cluster
$ aws ec2 describe-vpcs --filter Name=tag:aws:cloudformation:stack-name,Values=eksctl-hive-mr3-cluster --query "Vpcs[*].[VpcId]"
$ VPCID=vpc-0514cc58f49219037
Get the public subnet ID of CloudFormation eksctl-hive-mr3-eks-cluster
$ aws ec2 describe-subnets --filter Name=vpc-id,Values=$VPCID Name=availability-zone,Values=ap-northeast-2a Name=tag:aws:cloudformation:stack-name,Values=eksctl-hive-mr3-cluster Name=tag:Name,Values="*Public*" --query "Subnets[*].[SubnetId]"
$ SUBNETID=subnet-0dc4f1d62f8eaf27a
Get the ID of the security group for the EKS cluster
that matches the pattern eksctl-hive-mr3-eks-cluster-ClusterSharedNodeSecurityGroup-*
$ aws ec2 describe-security-groups --filters Name=vpc-id,Values=$VPCID Name=group-name,Values="eksctl-hive-mr3-cluster-ClusterSharedNodeSecurityGroup-*" --query "SecurityGroups[*].[GroupName,GroupId]"
$ SGROUPALL=sg-06a5105157555c5bc
Create EFS in the Availability Zone specified in the field zone in eksConf
Get the file system ID of EFS.
$ aws efs create-file-system --performance-mode generalPurpose --throughput-mode bursting --availability-zone-name ap-northeast-2a
"FileSystemId": "fs-00939cf3e2d140beb",
$ EFSID=fs-00939cf3e2d140beb
Create a mount target using the subnet ID of CloudFormation eksctl-hive-mr3-cluster
and the security group ID for the EKS cluster.
Get the mount target ID which is necessary when deleting the EKS cluster.
$ aws efs create-mount-target --file-system-id $EFSID --subnet-id $SUBNETID --security-groups $SGROUPALL
"MountTargetId": "fsmt-089a2abda1f02dc15",
$ MOUNTID=fsmt-089a2abda1f02dc15
efsConf: efs.T
efsId: "fs-00939cf3e2d140beb"
- efsId specifies the file system ID of EFS.
Mouting EFS
Execute ts-node
to generate YAML files.
Execute kubectl
with efs.yaml
to mount EFS.
$ ts-node run.ts
$ kubectl create -f efs.yaml
serviceaccount/efs-provisioner created
configmap/efs-provisioner created
deployment.apps/efs-provisioner created created created created created created
The user can find a new StorageClass aws-efs
and a new Pod in the namespace hivemr3
$ kubectl get sc
aws-efs Delete Immediate false 14s
gp2 (default) Delete WaitForFirstConsumer false 19m
$ kubectl get pods -n hivemr3
efs-provisioner-69764fcd97-nw6pl 1/1 Running 0 12s
Access to the database servers for Metastore and Ranger
Check if the database servers for Metastore and Ranger are accessible from the master nodes. If the database server is running on Amazon AWS, the user may have to update its security group or VPC configuration.
appsConf: apps.T
warehouseDir: "s3a://data-warehouse/hivemr3",
persistentVolumeClaimStorageInGb: 100,
externalIpHostname: "",
hiveserver2Ip: "",
hiveserver2IpHostname: "hs2host",
- warehouseDir should be set to the S3 bucket storing the warehouse.
Note that for using S3, we should use prefix
, nots3
. - persistentVolumeClaimStorageInGb specifies the amount of storage in the PersistentVolume to use.
- externalIpHostname should be set to the host name of the LoadBalancer service for Apache server.
- hiveserver2Ip should be set to the IP address of the LoadBalancer service for HiveServer2 (to which clients can connect from the outside of the Kubernetes cluster).
- hiveserver2IpHostname specifies an alias for the host name for HiveServer2. (The alias is used only internally for Kerberos instance and SSL encryption.)
dbType: "MYSQL",
databaseHost: "",
databaseName: "hive3mr3",
userName: "root",
password: "passwd",
initSchema: true,
- We use a MySQL server for Metastore whose address is
- databaseName specifies the name of the database for Hive inside the MySQL server.
- userName and password specify the user name and password of the MySQL server for Metastore.
- To initialize database schema, initSchema is set to true.
service: "HIVE_service",
dbFlavor: "MYSQL",
dbRootUser: "root",
dbRootPassword: "passwd",
dbHost: "",
dbPassword: "password",
adminPassword: "rangeradmin1",
- In our example, we use a Ranger service
. - We use a MySQL server for Ranger whose address is
- dbRootUser and dbRootPassword specify the user name and password of the MySQL server for Ranger.
- dbPassword specifies a password for the user
which is use only internally by Ranger. - adminPassword specifies the initial password for the user
on the Ranger Admin UI.
For using a MySQL server,
Ranger automatically downloads a MySQL connector
The user should check the compatibility between the server and the connector.
We register four names for Spark drivers: spark1
, spark2
, spark3
, spark4
When a Spark driver with one of these names is created,
its UI page is accessible via Apache server.
(Creating Spark drivers with different names is allowed,
but their UI pages are not accessible via Apache server.)
driverNameStr: "spark1,spark2,spark3,spark4",
driverEnv: driver.T
We create a YAML file spark1.yaml
for creating a Spark driver Pod
with 2 CPU cores and 8GB of memory.
name: "spark1",
resources: {
cpu: 2,
memoryInMb: 8 * 1024
Running Hive on MR3
Execute ts-node
to generate YAML files.
Execute kubectl
with apps.yaml
to start Hive on MR3.
$ ts-node run.ts
$ kubectl create -f apps.yaml
The user can find that a PersistentVolumeClaim workdir-pvc
is in use.
$ kubectl get pvc -n hivemr3
workdir-pvc Bound pvc-683919a0-17d3-456e-945a-7eb58b507a16 100Gi RWX aws-efs 7s
If successful, the user can find a total of 8 Pods:
- Apache server
- Public HiveServer2
- Internal HiveServer2
- Metastore
- DAGAppMaster for Hive
- Ranger
- Superset
- MR3-UI/Grafana (which also runs a Timeline Server and Prometheus)
The DAGAppMaster Pod may restart a few times if the MR3-UI/Grafana Pod is not initialized quickly. In our example, all the Pods become ready in 2 minutes, but it may take longer because of the time for downloading Docker images.
$ kubectl get pods -n hivemr3
apache-0 1/1 Running 0 2m
efs-provisioner-69764fcd97-nw6pl 1/1 Running 0 14m
hiveserver2-6cc8f87878-5ld5d 1/1 Running 0 2m
hiveserver2-internal-5789974bc8-t8q2j 1/1 Running 0 2m
metastore-0 1/1 Running 0 2m
mr3master-9261-0-6c578c87dd-ldmxl 1/1 Running 0 106s
ranger-0 2/2 Running 0 2m
superset-0 1/1 Running 0 2m
timeline-0 4/4 Running 0 2m
The user can find that several directories have been created under the PersistentVolume.
Inside the HiveServer2 Pod,
the PersistentVolume is mounted in the directory /opt/mr3-run/work-dir/
$ kubectl exec -n hivemr3 -it hiveserver2-6cc8f87878-5ld5d -- /bin/bash
hive@hiveserver2-6cc8f87878-5ld5d:/opt/mr3-run/hive$ ls /opt/mr3-run/work-dir/
apache2.log ats grafana hive log prometheus ranger superset
Using Hive/Spark on MR3
The user can use all the components exactly in the same way as on Kubernetes. We refer the user to the following pages for details.
- Creating a Ranger service
- Accessing MR3-UI, Grafana, Superset
- Running queries
- Running Spark on MR3
- Running two Spark applications
- Limitations in accessing Hive Metastore from Spark SQL
- Stopping Hive/Spark on MR3
Deleting the EKS cluster
Because of the additional components configured manually, it take a few extra steps to delete the EKS cluster. In order to delete the EKS cluster, proceed in the following order.
- Delete all the components.
$ kubectl delete -f apps.yaml
- Delete resources created automatically by Hive on MR3.
$ kubectl -n hivemr3 delete configmap mr3conf-configmap-master mr3conf-configmap-worker $ kubectl -n hivemr3 delete svc service-master-9261-0 service-worker $ kubectl -n hivemr3 delete deployment --all $ kubectl -n hivemr3 delete pods --all
- Delete the resources for EFS.
$ kubectl delete -f efs.yaml
- Delete the services.
$ kubectl delete -f service.yaml
- Remove the mount target for EFS.
$ aws efs delete-mount-target --mount-target-id $MOUNTID
- Delete EFS if necessary. Note that the same EFS can be reused for the next installation of Hive on MR3.
$ aws efs delete-file-system --file-system-id $EFSID
- Stop Kubernetes Autoscaler
$ kubectl delete -f autoscaler.yaml
- Delete EKS with
.$ eksctl delete cluster -f eks-cluster.yaml ... 2022-08-22 00:04:30 [✔] all cluster resources were deleted
If the last command fails, the user should delete the EKS cluster manually. Proceed in the following order on the AWS console.
- Delete security groups manually.
- Delete the NAT gateway created for the EKS cluster, delete the VPC, and then delete the Elastic IP address.
- Delete LoadBalancers.
- Delete CloudFormations.